Over the last year and a half, our leadership has been asking God how we can adapt on the heels of so many changes brought on by the pandemic. One of the major shifts being made is to ensure that our buildings become more than just a place to meet on Sunday. We have been asking God to show us ways to open up our space during the week for more and more people in the community to benefit from our buildings.

*In October, Aloha Bagel Too opened in our lobby. People are coming through the doors to enjoy good food and some are entering a church that they may not have entered before.

*We have begun renovations in our Outreach Center to transform a portion of the space into a wedding and event venue. This will allow the space to be multifunctional and provide another means for our community to access our facilities. The next phase will be to create a beautiful, outdoor wedding venue on the lake and provide assistance for those utilizing the facility.

*Our food warehouse and distribution center are still fully functioning and reaching hundreds of families every week. We have purchased a new refrigerated truck that will be delivered in March. This will allow us to more efficiently pick up food from local stores to distribute to those in need.

*We are excited to share that starting February 1, 2021, Boys and Girls Clubs of Nassau County will be utilizing our West Campus for an after school program.

As we close out 2021, we are asking everyone who calls The Journey “home” to pray about your part in our Heart for the House offering, which will allow us to complete the above projects and step into 2022 with no deficits. The estimated cost for this is $150,000.00.

1 Peter 2:5 says, “you are like living stones being built into a spiritual house.”

If your heart is for this house, the people God has brought together as The Journey Church and the communities where He’s planted us, will you ask God to reveal to you how He wants you to give?

You can give using the links below to choose your campus and to give towards heart for the house