Who We Are:
This group is a place where young adults can gather, discuss the Bible, grow their faith, and develop friendships with other like minded Christians. Wherever you are in your faith walk you are welcome to join us! Meet us in the lobby after the Sunday experience or reach out to us on Instagram @the_journeyya
This ministry exists to live out the mission of the Journey Church: We exist to engage our culture with the irresistible love of Jesus Christ for the purpose of helping people take their first steps towards him.
What We Do:
Young Adults Small Group: Sundays at 11am (during our 10:30am experience). We invite you to join us at the 9am Sunday experience then stick around for our small group as we go through the book of Galatians together.
Young Adults Meet Up: Join us Sunday, April 21st at 12pm for a hangout and lunch. We will get together as a group and invite new people to come and connect, make friendships, and see how to get involved. Lunch is free and we hope to see you there.
To find out more please email: tommy@thejourneyfamily.com